7 Brew Wildberry Smoothie which made with mixed fresh barries & Cream. This smoothie made with a perfect for those who love’s creamy berries smoothie.

For prices, visit at 7 Brew Menu.

7 Brew Wildberry Smoothie

7 brew Wildberry Smoothie INGREDIENTS

The 7 Brew Wildberry Smoothie is made with these following ingredients:

  • Mixed berries (like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries)
  • Ice
  • milk

7 BREW Wildberry Smoothie NUTRITIOn facts

SMALL Wildberry Smoothie33025-504-82-430-5020-35
MEDIUM Wildberry Smoothie56050-755-104-860-8035-50
LARGE Wilberry Smoothie74080-11010-158-1085-10050-70

Adding or removing ingredients will effect this Nutritional Information

7 brew Wildberry Smoothie allergens

The 7 Brew Wildberry Smoothie is made with these following Allergens:

  • Barries
  • Sugar

7 Brew Wildberry Smoothie FAQs

how to make 7 brew Wildberry Smoothie ?

The recipe of 7 Brew Wildberry Smoothie is not publicly available, here’s a simple recipe that might be similar in taste:

1 cup mixed berries

1/2 cup yogurt

1/2 cup milk

1-2 tablespoons honey


how much calories in a 7 brew Wildberry Smoothie ?

7 Brew Wildberry Smoothie calories based on size, choice, and additional toppings. General estimate about 330-740